Where to Start
It's been several years since last the Curmudgeon shared his wise and sage advice. But
he's back now, thrifty, frugal, and highly in demand now that sustainable living, repurposing items, recycling instead of
waste, eco-friendly and intentional consumer purchases are the new norm.
Our cranky Curmudgeon likes to share age-old
helpful hints - wanted or not. Hope you enjoy our ol' friend, and his unsolicited advice in saving a buck or two.
Disclaimer; Suggestions, hints, tips, ideas -- try them at your own risk. I have
not tried them all and cannot guarantee any results. They are at best meant to be tried using your own good common sense.
Copyrights; many items shown throughout this website appear at other sites around the internet.
I have collected helpful hints over the years and saved to my documents, sometimes with links to source, sometimes without
sourced links. If you recognize it and it needs a source link, let me know and I will add the link. However, in
my internet surfing over the years, I see many repetitious items repeated across many different sites, groups, blogs.
It is not as easy to retrospectively source link all the material I have collected over the years, but I do believe in giving
credit where credit is due or multiple credit if it is a repetitious item. Let me know, and I'll make adjustment,
correction.... skinflint@swandeer.com