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my Asiatic Lillies in 2004

It is my goal to try to plant as many perennials as I can since they come back or repeat.  I have spent $$ on annuals, starter pots for several years, and it is not a good use of our fixed income budget, so I'm trying now to invest in perennials. 
I don't know yet what I need to know, so as I learn, I'll add to this page.

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List of Perennials
Ballon Flower
Bee Balm
Black Eyed Susan
Blazing Star (have this)
Bleeding Heart
Purple Coneflower
Coral Bells
Cranes Bill
DayLilly (have this)
False Spirea
Hosta (have this, they all died)
Siberian Iris
Lambs Ear
Garden Mum
Garden Phlox
Russian Sage
Autum Joy sedum (have this)
Yarrow (have this)

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Annuals That Have Returned 2nd Year
Calendula (annual or perennial, I think perennial)

Azalea (Rhododendron)
Partial shade.
Prefers a soil ph of 4.0-6.0.
Plant ball in hole twice it's width, 2 in. higher than surrounding soil-no deeper than the ball.  Reaches a height of 3-5 ft.  Blooms in early spring.  Grows in zones 4-10.

Columbine (Phlox paniculata)
Full sun in cool areas, partial shade in warm areas.
Prefers a neutral soil ph.
Plant 12 in. apart.
Reaches a height of 16-28 in. high, 12 in. wide.  Clusters of 1/2 in. blossoms.  Blooms July-September.

Daisy, Shasta (Chrysanthemum maximum)
Full sun.
Prefers a soil ph of 6.0-8.0
Plant 12-14 in. apart.
Reaches a height of 1-3 ft. tall.  Blossom size of up to 6 in. in diameter.  Blooms midsummer to fall.  Grows in zones 4-10.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Full sun.
Prefers a soil ph of 5.8-6.2.
Plant in hole 1 ft. wider than root ball at the same depth as in container.  Space 4 1/2-5 ft. apart.  3 1/2-4 for a hedge.
Grows up to 8 ft. tall.
Blossom size of 6-12 in. in diameter.  Blooms midsummer-frost.  Grows in zones 4-9.

Peony (Paeonia)
Full sun.
Prefers a soil ph of 6.5-7.5
Plant in hole 18 in. deep x 18 in. wide, 3 ft. apart.
Reaches a height of 3 ft. high x 3 ft. wide.
Grows in zones 3-8

Phlox, creeping (Phlox stolonifera)
Prefers a soil ph of 5.5-7.0
Plant 10 in. apart.
Reaches a height of 6-12 in high.  Blossom size of 1 in. diameter.  Grows in zones 3-8

Stone Horizontal Divider

Shearing Sweet William 
Question:   I planted some Sweet William last year, and they bloomed beautifully this year. The flowers are now starting to die(after several weeks in full bloom). What should I do now? Should I shear them back? Is there any way to get the plants to flower again?
Answer:    Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William) is a vigorous biennial providing dense clusters of flowers on tall stems. Sown from seed in late spring, they will bloom the following year. Once they've flowered, they won't flower again. You can shear back the spent blooms and stems to keep the plants looking attractive, or you can leave them alone, allowing the flowers to produce seed and deposit them in the bed. This self-sowing habit will perpetuate your Sweet Williams, so you'll have plants of flowering age each year. 
I'd like to start some pansies by seed. When is the best time to do that?
Do it now! August is a great time to sow pansies for next spring. Pansies are easy to grow and hardy. Sow the seeds in flats in a cool, shady place, and keep the soil moist at all times. When the plants are large enough, transplant them into frames. Cover them with a coarse material for winter protection, then set them out in permanent beds in the spring.

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Stone Horizontal Divider

--Beware of Snapdragons--

--Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade--
--My husband said if I buy any more perennials he would leave me...gosh, I'm going to miss that man!--