Now Playing: Arthur Ruger
Topic: Members Speak Out
Tacoma News Tribune wants to know ....
With the execution of Saddam Hussein imminent, The News Tribune is looking for readers' reactions. How will history judge him? Was his removal worth going to war for? What effect do you think his death will have on Iraq and the war?
She's too busy focussing on a story with more substance, that of the upcoming citizen's tribunal regarding Lt. Watada.
So she asked me to respond and try to keep it down to 60 words. Me? 60 words?. I tried:
The only remaining aspect of interest for me will be the self-serving baloney from the little man Bush who'll pretend he single-handedly roped Hussein while sitting in the saddle of his presidential hobby horse."
This worst president's legacy to America will not be the trackdown and arrest of a second-rate dictator. No ... it will be this -