Now Playing: Republican States of the Great Basin trading kool aid for coffee?
Topic: Breaking News
Republicans have single-partyedly fractured their base out in their last remaining bastion states.
This headline and the following comment titles at Democratic Underground say it all.
Idaho's flagship newspaper endorses Obama.
Idaho Statesman endorsement: America needs Obama's steady hand
[Comment titles]
W0W! Idaho!! -- and Powell Endorsement
Holy Shit!!! Idaho???
Latest list of newspaper endorsements ... 76-19
62% for McCain Idaho?
and this:
Hell definitely just froze over. Salt Lake Tribune (Utah!) endorses Obama!
The Salt Lake Tribune has been there since the 19th century. In the twentieth century the Tribune is the successful competition to the other daily there, The Deseret News - more the voice of Utah conservatism and the LDS Church.
In terms of profit and loss, endorsing the Democrat for president would not be a wise economic decision unless ...