Arthur Ruger and Lietta Ruger
Location: Bay Center, Washington
Birthday: 20 August, 1946
Bio: Arthur Ruger is by profession a social worker employed by the State of Washington. A writer on religion and spirituality, Arthur was originally trained for priesthood and ministry in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Further training for ministry took place more recently at St. Johns Episcopal Parish in South Bend, Washington where he served as a lay preacher, organist and Senior Warden.
Lietta Ruger was trained for ministry and served as a lay preacher at St. Johns as well. More recently Lietta has become a political and social justice advocate, focusing primarily on Military Family issues and the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
In addition, Lietta is a painter whose creative talent has been amplified by her activism and advocacy for social justice.
Interests: In addition to an intense interest in the American political and religious scene Arthur's leisure interests are families, writing, reading, home improvement, human spirituality, poetry and sports.
Family issues and values are important as we are 0 parents of a blended family with 8 children and 15 grandchildren.
Blog Created: Saturday, 17 March 2007
Last Updated: Sunday, 22 March 2009 - 10:59 AM PDT
Blog Entries: 581