Shade Plants.
Sometimes thought of as the most difficult of areas, deep shade can be a wonderful planting area.
If you have an area that never gets the sun, such as the back corner of the house, it can be filled with plants that thrive
in this kind of environment. The choice is wide and very good.
Shrubs that will tolerate these
conditions include;
- Berberis
- Boxus (Box)
- Ilex (Holly)
- Mahonia
- Viburnum
- Vinca (Periwinkle).
Acer Palmatum (Japanese Maple) and some evergreens such as Choisya ternata and most golden foliated plants will find
shade ideal.
For Perennials the choice is also quite good, Hostas are often the first choice, but
there are also
- Brunnera (Forget-me-not
- Pulmonaria, Viola (Violet)
- Ajuga (Bugle).
Many varieties of Fuschias and Tradescantia can appreciate shady spots.
All shade plants, need to be carefully
checked to ensure they are not allowed to become too dry. Plants in the garden in shady areas under trees can have the water
taken away by the tree roots, and plants in the shelter of houses can be screened from the rain by the buildings themselves.
Bedding plants such as
- Impatiens (Busy Lizzies)
- Nicotiana (Tobacco Plant) thrive in these conditions as long as they are kept moist.
Also try:-
Begonia x tuberhybrida 'Camellia' (Tuberous Begonia)
- Begonia x tuberhybrida 'Fimbriata' (Tuberous Begonia)
- Caladium
x hortulanum 'Candidum' (Fancy-Leaved Caladium)
- Clivia miniata (Kaffir Lily)
- Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
- Cyclamen persicum
- Fuchsia hybrida 'Island Sunset' (Hybrid Fuschia)
- Hosta x 'Royal Standard' (Plantain Lily)
- Hosta crispula (Plantain Lily)
- Impatiens wallerana 'Accent Mix' (Busy Lizzie)
- Lamiastrum (Golden Deadnettle)
- Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' (Spotted Nettle)
- Lobelia erinus 'Riviera Blue Splash' (Annual Lobelia)
Polemonium caeruleum (Jacob's Ladder)
- Thalictrum delavayi (Yunnan Meadow Rue)
- Trillium grandiflorum (Snow Trillium)
- Vinca major (Large Periwinkle)
- Vinca minor 'Bowles' (Dwarf Periwinkle)