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Bay Center, Washington from U.S. Hwy 101

Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Too many Americans were smelling the rot coming out of the stewpot of exxagerated fear-mongering.
Topic: Civic Duty
Is an administration with no mandate whatsoever for needless killing preparing to continue the slaughter in Iran?

Should we continue to look the other way and pretend that Survivor, CSI and Desparate Housewives are more important; or that the truth omitted from our largest broadcast programs must not be relevant if they are not talking about it.

The War in Iraq was a post 9/11 fraud foisted on a fear-driven electorate as the commander-in-chief truly worshipped a higher father; a father of lies, greed and imperialism.

Too many Americans were smelling the rot coming out of the stewpot of exxagerated fear-mongering. Too many Americans became aroused these past two years.

Too many Americans began questioning the reason for troops in harm's way and too many families started questioning the deception proclaimed arrogantly and with a straight face.

Are we about to hear things that should arouse in us the most intense indignation one can imagine - an indignation that we as a people truly did not authorize a president to do? Is the president once again going to try to fool most of the people most of the time?

Only the sleepiest among us believe fair and balanced campaigns from Foxy liars are going to lead to a fair expression of what should be done about Iran that's in the best interest of corporate America.

Only the blindest followers of a misunderstood code continue to insist the citizens are not patriotic if they don't blindly accept the unchallenged political self-interest of its commander-in-chief aand his doofus decisions.

Perhaps the sleepiest among us are those who thought they were doing God's work by voting George another term.

Why? Because only the most outrageous Christian hypocrites make mountains out of moral molehills at the expense of the heart and compassion of the real teachings of Jesus.

The President's definition of "freedom" to his faith voters is in fact fraud against all American voters.

Calling ourselves heroic spreaders of "freedom" who are doing battle with amoral Muslim killers who are driven primarily out of a hate of our own corporate-driven consumer freedoms is another fraud.

Why do we let these people sell us bridges and worthless stock in pseudo-American ideals that no majority of us ever endorsed?

Why do we let this administration embarass our returning soldiers maimed for life by being chintzy with treatment, benefits and support?

Why do we robot-like jerk to attention when leadership waves the flag at the same time it blames the problem of inadequately-protected troops on someone else beneath their pedestal?

The majority of the electorate did not authorize the president and his subordinates to continue a needless waste of American and Iraqi lives and the wasteful exploitation of the environment and national economy.

But then, maybe worrying about liberal attacks on Christmas, about the Super Bowl and about which film will win the Oscar ARE significantly more important.

Posted SwanDeer Project at 12:01 AM PST
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Published by SwanDeer Productions
Arthur and Lietta Ruger, Bay Center, Willapa Bay in Pacific County Washington

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