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Friday, 1 February 2008
Care Available to All. One non-greedy Global Perspective
Now Playing: The Hesperian Foundation
Topic: Health & Science

 The Hesperian Foundation

In a world where Bechtel wants exclusive rights to water in Cochabama and where Monsanto wants a monopoly on all the seeds in the world with their one time and die product, it's gratifying to find someone looking globally without greedy eyes.

Don't kid yourselves either. This free downloadable information could be invaluable in rural areas cut off by storms, fallen trees and no way to a medical provider. 

The Hesperian Foundation is a non-profit publisher of books and educational materials that help people take the lead in their own health care and organize to improve health conditions in their communities. Simply written, heavily illustrated, and developed in collaboration with groups around the world, our books contain a wealth of life-saving information on diagnosing and treating a broad range of health problems.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a group of health activists in Ajoya, Mexico compiled a notebook of treatment information for common medical problems in their village. The notebook came into great demand not only in Ajoya, but also among health workers from neighboring communities. In 1973, the notebook was reproduced as a comprehensive and revolutionary health-care manual titled Donde no hay doctor (Where there is no doctor).

Around this time, an organization was founded in California to distribute the book and begin work on an English version. Where there is no doctor was first published in 1977 and is now considered by many to be the "bible" of primary health care for community health workers and villagers in poor countries around the world.


2007 edition of Where There Is No Doctor – now available! This 2007 reprint includes new material on preventing the transmission of blood-borne diseases, how HIV/AIDS is reflected in many health issues, and basic Antiretroviral treatment information, as well as updated information on children and aspirin, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, malaria treatments, etc. Download here!


Our Philosophy

We live in a world of stark extremes. While those in rich countries benefit from the latest medical technology, millions of people still suffer and die from preventable and curable diseases.

Poor people throughout the world lack basic health care because it is priced beyond their means or because services are too far away. The affordable services that do exist are being threatened by global economic policies that force governments to cut budgets for health, education and social services.

We believe the following:

  • Health is a fundamental right for all people.
  • Health information should be shared.
  • People can and should take the lead in their own health care.
  • Women and men with little or no formal education can understand, apply and share medical information if it is presented simply and appropriately.
  • Educational materials are most effective when the people who use them are involved in their development from the beginning stages.
  • Health programs should be practical, accessible and respectful of the knowledge, experience and resources already existing in communities.
  • To achieve good health, communities must address the underlying causes of poor health, such as: poverty, discrimination, harmful traditional beliefs and unjust social structures.

Our open copyright policy

To facilitate translations/adaptations of our materials, the Hesperian Foundation has an "open copyright" policy. This means that we will grant permission without charging any permissions fees, royalties, etc. to translate/adapt our materials so long as the following conditions are met:

  1. that your edition is distributed at no cost or for production cost only, that is, not-for-profit;
  2. that you allow others to reproduce/adapt your edition with no fees, royalties, etc. so long as they too do so at no cost or for production cost only, that is, not-for-profit;
  3. that you include full contact information for the Hesperian Foundation on the copyright page of your edition;
  4. that you send us three copies of the finished book (two for our library, one for the author);
  5. that you send us your contact information so we can post it on our website and provide it to people who want to find your edition; and
  6. that you keep us updated with your current contact information so we can send you corrections/updates etc. as they are generated for future editions or reprints of your book. If you wish to produce a commercial edition, i.e. one that will be sold for profit, containing any of our materials, you will need to write to us for permission. Without permission, you will be in violation of the international copyright laws.


Posted SwanDeer Project at 6:09 AM PST
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Published by SwanDeer Productions
Arthur and Lietta Ruger, Bay Center, Willapa Bay in Pacific County Washington

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