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Bay Center, Washington from U.S. Hwy 101

Sunday, 21 September 2008
the least qualified, most out of touch and ideologically misguided candidate to govern in Washington State in this election.
Topic: State & Local

Let me get this straight about Dino Rossi's campaign ads, public declarations, debating and talking points...

Dino wants me to believe that the state's budget shortfall is Christine Gregoire's fault and due to totally inept financial management and governing priorities?

Dino may deny having ever made such a declaration, but the the strongest, most direct and most deliberate implication of his campaign strategy is precisely that notion.

As an independent voter, I find that extremely insulting. I find in his statements the presumption that I and my neighbors are too stupid and gullible to challenge his declarations. It is apparent that Rossi is trying to drive home a message he somehow believes he can totally control.

I remember a long time ago when my brother-in-law drove over to Vancouver from Portland for a barbecue at my place and got pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. When asked by the policeman for my address, not trusting the cop, my brother-in-law (who's native tongue is not English) responded,

"I don't know the address. All I know is that I drive down this road and turn right at the big rock."

Is that not what candidate Rossi is asking of Washington Voters?

Isn't he asking us to move on down this election road but also to turn Right at the big rock of misinformation and deception Rossi considers fair and honest campaigning?

Case in point is the idea that the state is in budget trouble because of Christine Gregoire's failings and not because of economic breakdown on the state and national level driven by 8 years of unwise Republican governance.

Why am I repeatedly assaulted by misleading statements and false promises from Rossi - whose party is indisputably responsible for this most massive economic crash since the Great Depression?

Dino Rossi may not admit it but he - not just his party - is on the wrong side of the change discussion. Rossi confirmed it by hypocritically trying to coat-tail Obama's acceptance speech in Denver immediately afterward because there was no other way for him to encounter a large group of interested voters.

"I - like Barack Obama - represent change," Rossi implied.

Railing against a sitting state governor for whose job he and his party lack justifiable credentials, Rossi tried to snake oil voters with totally transparent hypocrisy.

I am insulted because Rossi thinks that I and my neighbors are completely oblivious to the realities and causes of our own economic plight.

I am insulted because Rossi thinks that I and my neighbors are unaware of where things were 8 years ago when we bought houses, employment was better and small businesses on Willapa Bay were much better off.

I and my neighbors know this is so because of Rossi's desperate attempt to not only try to blame Democrats, but even to go so far as to appear somehow distanced or even disconnected from his own party, it's presidential incumbent and current presidential candidate.

I wonder if candidate Rossi personally knows any specific poor people or unemployed workers in this state. If so, why does he not speak in specifics about the plight of the poor and sprinkle his speaking with annectdotal references?

Certainly his principal unprincipled financial base, the BIAW does not know or care about unemployed workers or poor families.

If Rossi and the BIAW really cared about the poor and the unemployed would their economic policies be so rigidly founded on cheap labor, opposition to higher wages and employer-sponsored health coverage improvements?

This absence of personal connection to individual families, workers, the elderly, the poor, to those without health coverage, as well as those with incomes restricted by disability is both glaring and tragic.

The economic philosophy of Rossi, the BIAW and so-called "conservative" Republican party stands abjectly and nakedly as highly inappropriate in a society based on personal income and consumption.

These people talk about supply and demand; about how "an unfettered and totally capitalistically free market in and of itself will solve a society's social problems." They speak of a political economic viewpoint that has revealed itself in headline news all over the world as totally discredited.

Rossi, the BIAW and his party today ask Americans to agree to total welfare bail out of irresponsible big business ...

- not families
- not individuals
not small business persons,
not states, counties or smaller municipalities

... but corporations who bear totally responsibility and accountability for their own deregulated economic policies and decisions.

Regardless of whether or not this candidate is actually acquainted on an intimate basis with any poor person,
any poor family,
any unemployed individual,
any uninsured,
elderly or low-income voter in this state,
Dino Rossi has already demonstrated and proven that he is the least qualified, most out of touch and ideologically misguided candidate to govern in Washington State in this election.

Cross Posted on my Daily Kos Diary.

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Posted SwanDeer Project at 2:29 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 September 2008 2:53 PM PDT
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Arthur and Lietta Ruger, Bay Center, Willapa Bay in Pacific County Washington

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