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Saturday, 27 September 2008
Veterans perhaps more than any other American voters, look at what The Man Does more than What The Man Says.
Now Playing: Response to the McCain Campaign Response on the Debat e
Topic: Politics
McCain campaign on McCain:
"There was one man who was presidential tonight, that man was John McCain."

Let's see ... McCain never looked at Obama during the debate.

Not looking at your opponent is "presidential?"

This very much was the "don't talk to your enemies - don't look them in the eye" foreign policy expert practicing his "presidential" craft for a nationwide audience.

McCain campaign continues:

There was another who was political, that was Barack Obama. John McCain won this debate and controlled the dialogue throughout, whether it was the economy, taxes, spending, Iraq or Iran.

The McCainers are right. There was one who was political. That would be the older white-haired fellow who was obviously too afraid of his opponent to look him in the eye.

You know ... that guy who stared anywhere but at Obama while repeating and praising his own 30+ years of politically-expedient decision-making.

... political choices that consistently fell on the wrong side of what's best for America and it's individual citizens.

But perhaps the most annoying, insulting and embarrassing declarations were his blatant patronizing self-praise remarks about his love, concern and loyalty to military veterans.

Talk is cheap. Veterans perhaps more than any other American voters, look at what The Man Does more than What The Man Says.

Were we to hear that kind of talk up close at the Elk Snout Tavern on Willapa Bay, McCain would have been tossed out on his lying ass ... more than likely by the American Legion and VFW patrons drinking with him.

More from old-white-eyes' guys:

There was a leadership gap, a judgment gap, and a boldness gap on display tonight, a fact Barack Obama acknowledged when he said John McCain was right at least five times. Tonight's debate showed John McCain in command of the issues and presenting a clear agenda for America's future." --Jill Hazelbaker, McCain-Palin 2008 Communications Director

I have to hand it to them. The leadership, judgment and boldness gap WAS on display tonight. The gap defined mostly by the political ex-fighter jock who has yet to make a positive and socially redeeming political decision since taking the lead flight position of the republican attack formation.

Unfortunately, all we've gotten since he took the lead position have been foolish and rash decisions. Look at who he put out there as wing man - er - wing woman.

That's keeping faith with veterans? Putting a cadet as next in line for command authority?

Unfortunately the McCain campain's "clear agenda" seems to be an assumption that the majority of the electorate wants Patton for President.

I don't recall that Patton refused to look enemies in the eye. In fact, Patton did look directly into the face of either Marshall Zukov or another general meeting with him immediately after the end of hostilities in Germany at the birth of Cold War hostilities.

Staring into his opponent's eyes, Patton - minus McCain-style repeated blinking - told the interpreter to call that officer a "sookensin" (my transliteration from Russian) - a son of a bitch.

So I guess McCain can't do a Patton either. He just stands there trembling and afraid of being open and honest cause honesty might let loose the real McCoy, er, McCain. Honesty might include releasing and revelaing again his still immature temper.

As a veteran, I don't think I want him to try his way of keeping the faith with me or my family ... especially the ones serving in the military.

And about the "at least five times" Mr. Obama said McCain was right?

Five times in a 90-minute debate?

That would be like Muhammad Ali acknowledging that Joe Frazier connected on five swings out of two-hundred during the Thrilla in Manila.

Posted SwanDeer Project at 9:45 AM PDT
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Published by SwanDeer Productions
Arthur and Lietta Ruger, Bay Center, Willapa Bay in Pacific County Washington

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