Now Playing: Letter to The Olympian from MFSO member, Jessie
Topic: Members Speak Out
Dear Editor,
I am a member of MFSO (Military Families Speak Out). My neighbor just left for his 3rd tour in Iraq a few weeks ago. While my neighbor and I are not exceptionally close, I did take the opportunity to telephone him before he left and thanked him for his service to our country even though I am thoroughly against this war, I fully support him and will pray for his safe return for his wife and family's sake. He is now stationed just north of Bagdad.
Today's news reports that we have just lost another 9 U. S. soldiers. Given your proximity to the Ft. Lewis army base, I ask whether your newspaper keeps a list of those Ft. Lewis soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq? Given the fact that President Bush calls for a national day of mourning for the Virginia Tech mass shooting and then consider our soldiers whose lives are sacrificed each and every day as this war rages on. Yet they are just a mere ticker tape mention on CNN. I suggest a memorial edition for the Olympian that features all of those young men and women who have lost their lives in Iraq. Make their lives more meaningful than a mere tickertape mention on CNN. Please consider this.