
Mythical Proportions

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What Does It Mean to be Christian in America?
A God of War
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Mystical Christianity
Mythical Proportions
Passion of The Christ ...
Someone Else's Magic

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a declaration of Christian dogma that owes most of its construction to the Nicene Creed

Sacrificing His only begotten son - letting His blood and water flow for sacrafice for the sins of mankind - forgiving every violent thing done to Him, fulfilling prophecy and the Old Testament Law- and then raising Him from the dead - What exactly are you saying is a greater work than that?

This is a declaration of Christian dogma that owes most of its construction to the Nicene Creed which, as I wrote elsewhere, was something debated and voted upon by the earliest Catholic Christians under pressure from and under the suspicious eye of Roman power.

Taken literally, the answer t would be that it is hard to imagine a greater work than that.

However, since I do not believe that dogma, a greater work than that which would reflect God's love would be the life of Jesus as the Christ.

A life in which he bet his own life that revealing to humanity in general and the Jews in particular that the punitive God and spiritual governance through fear, shame and guilt are not the kingdom of God.

A greater blessing to humanity that revealed the God of Compassion who wants more than anything else that we love each other unconditionally.

This was an equally powerful work of a mortal human being who knew - in wagering his very life - that He and God and We are one.

"My reality is the real thing. Your reality is myth."
I suggest that the absolutes many practicing Christians use to serve as a spiritual foundation are not necessarily the most useful. This is particularly so in how we relate one to another and give in to the temptation to regard others in a judgmental sense when comparing the absolutes of others with our own.

As in: "My reality is the real thing. Your reality is myth."

The American Christian is a journal based in Bay Center, Washington. 
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